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After applying new version hover over verses to read. 2 Tim 3:16

Why Study the Bible?

What is the purpose of life?

Why do people suffer and die?

What does the future hold?

Does God care about YOU?

Have you ever asked yourself questions like those?

It's safe to say that every human who has ever lived has asked those questions. The desire to know what we are here for has always been a part of mankinds search for truth. Yet many who ask these questions of purpose, unfortunately, never find the answers they are looking for. Always looking but never finding their purpose in life. Philosophers, theologians, and scientists have struggled with that question for millenniums. Countless volumes have been written by individuals attempting to answer it. Their efforts have been in vain, and many have concluded that the question simply cannot be answered.

You would think that if there was a creator or God, he would want us to know the answer to these questions that our hearts yearn to understand. Yet most of the worlds religions offer no true answer to the basic question of what the purpose of life is. If there was a true God, how would he help us to understand the answer to these questions?

The bible teaches us the answer to these questions, and much, much more. To fully appreciate the bible, and to understand how truly unique it is. Here are some basic facts that most people do not know.

The most unique book ever composed
  • The bible took over 1600 years to complete from beginning to end, and was written by 40 different men, yet carries the same theme and harmony throughout the entirety of the book.
  • It has been translated in over 2500 languages through out the world.
  • The bible is the most widely distributed book in the history of man. Over 5,000,000,000 copies have been produced, more than any other book in existence.
  • The bible is a book of prophecy that gives credibility as to the authenticity of being from a divine source.

You would expect a book claiming to be authored by the creator to be unique, would you not?

Can you imagine starting a book today with a main theme, and not expecting it to be finished until the year 3620? Consider the fact that 40 other people would contribute to your book over the next millenia and a half, and yet it would maintain the accuracy, harmony, and theme that you started today. Does this sound possible to you?

There is NO OTHER book in existence like the bible.

You would expect a book claiming to be authored by the creator to give wise counsel since he created us.

The bibles information gives mankind all he needs to stop wars, to prevent injustice, to make families happy, to make a meaningful life for oneself, and so on, and on, and on. Who wouldn't want this?

Here are words directly from the most high God calling out to you to pay attention to what he has said so that you will benefit from it.

Proverbs 2:1-6 "My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, 2 so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; 3 if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, 4 if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it, 5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God. 6 For Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment."

You would expect a book claiming to be authored by God to help us with difficult problems that we all face.

We all face difficult circumstances at one point or another, especially in these hectic modern times we are living in. Now more than ever mankind needs help to live day by day with all the stresses that we go through. The bible gives us simple advice that is extremely effective in helping us to cope with these trying times.

Ps 55:22 "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, And he himself will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter."
Php 4:6 "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God;"
1Pe 5:7 "...while YOU throw all YOUR anxiety upon him, because he cares for YOU."

You would expect a book claiming to be authored by God to show some sign of divine authorship.

The bibles claim of divine authorship would only count if it could back it up with some sort of proof. Within the scriptures are hundreds of prophecies telling in advance by hundreds, and even thousands of years, what will happen in the future. Each and every prophecy contained within the bible have come true, and more are soon to occur.

We are living in prophetic times right now. Meaning that many of the prophecies regarding the end times are soon to unfold within our lifetime. Our loving creator gave us these prophecies so that we could put faith in the bible and what it teaches us. More importantly it can help us to understand why the world is going through the turmoil that it is embroiled in.

The bible is so much more than just a book of historical accounts. Sure you could read the stories contained within but that is not studying what the message of the contents are all about. It's about coming to know who the creator of the heavens and the universe are, his purpose, and where your life fits within that purpose.

If you are sincere in getting to know the creator, and all he has planned for this world, say a prayer to him and let him know of your desire. At James 4:8, one of the writers of the bible, and also a disciple of Jesus, encourages us with these words.

"Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you."

If you want to be included in Gods purpose for mankind, study the bible, draw close to God in prayer, and you will see positive benefits to your life each and every day. The worries of the world will become less burdensome, and the pressures of life will become easier to bare.

Matthew 7:7 “Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you.”

These words from Jesus Christ advise us to keep asking, seeking, and knocking so that the door for understanding will be opened to us. God can read your heart, and if you are spiritually open to him, he will help you to find the purpose of life to which you seek, and so much more.

Some other articles here
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Inevitable Sin
The Inevitable Sin
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
Mark of the Beast Pt IV
Mark of the Beast Pt IV

Why Study the Bible?