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The Mark of the Beast Pt III

Part I & Part II of this series can be found by clicking on the links. Part 1 click here. Part II click here.

In part two of this examination, a pattern of false worship by the Israelites emerged as we followed the path that had been laid out in the bible.  It’s fair to say, Satan was very successful in getting Gods nation to worship him through the false god Saturn, and his many forms, throughout the first six heads of the beast(Rev 13:1). Although the Israelite nation was disbanded at 70ce, when the Romans sacked Jerusalem, the beliefs and traditions that the Jewish leaders were admonished for by Stephen(Act 6:8-7:60), before they killed him, lived on. The esoteric teachings, the hidden and sacred knowledge that had been adopted by the Israelites from Babylon, eventually came to be known as the Kabbalah, the abstract pseudoscience which forms the foundation of mystical religious interpretations within Judaism.

However, before we discuss the important role this ‘sacred’ belief system plays within the world today, we will continue to follow the path of Saturn through the remaining two heads of the seven headed beast, Rome and the Anglo-American empires. Because the Bible does not provide any further insight into the worship of Saturn by the Israelites, after the murder of Stephen, a short detour through secular history should reignite the path that the bible has already shown us exists.

Roman holiday Saturnalia, giving honor to Saturn through the birth of the righteous sun god, Mithra, whos birthday was December 25th.

In the Roman world, the major festival was the Saturnalia, held each year in honour of Mithra the righteous sun god. Although the celbration was to Mithra, the name of the festival shows who the real receiver of worship was, Saturn. The celebration of the birthday of Mithras occurred on December 25, which is where the date for Christmas actually comes from. The Romans considered this time of the year as the ending of a cycle, the shortest day of the years ending with the solstice, and a new beginning as the days would now start to get longer. Many of the traditions associated with Christmas, the gift giving, feasting, wreaths, candles etc...were actually sourced from the Saturnalia in the giving honor to Saturn. The yearly celebration to honor Jesus birth was no more than an adaptation of the Saturnalia being played out in modern form. Thus even today, in the seventh head of the beast, we still see Saturn worship as a major tool being used by Satan to mislead humankind into false worship.

We must not forget that Satans end goal is to mark every man, woman, and child with the mark of the beast. Christmas, and the many religious holidays, are nothing more than the exoteric traditions that have been accepted as proper forms of worship through Satans master scheme of deception. These traditions are what keep the masses of humanity blind to the true nature of what Satans agenda is for mankind. They are the smoke and mirrors that Satan uses to deceive the world, and through these manmade traditions, mankind inadvertently gives their honor and worship to the one who tries to resemble the Most High, the fallen angel Lucifer. 

Exoteric and Esoteric

From the aspect of beliefs, customs, and traditions, societies are essentially divided into two sections. The exoteric, and the esoteric. The exoteric is what is seen, what is considered out in the view of the public, and what molds mankinds views into what they are. Holidays, and the traditions associated with them, are the exoteric demonstration of beliefs that have been deemed appropriate by a society who weave these customs and traditions into their own cultures. These are traditions that go back, many times, thousands of years, and thus are deeply ingrained within the mindset of those who practice them within their cultural, and spiritual beliefs.  

The esoteric is what is hidden, or that which is known only by a few. The esoteric is typically the foundation upon which the exoteric demonstrates itself.  The esoteric is the source for the exoteric to be built upon.  For example, the celebration of Christmas is the exoteric demonstration of esoteric teachings, and doctrine, that stem back thousands of years.

Because we understand the true esoteric meaning of Christmas, and its true pagan origin or source, it is easy to prove as a false Christian tradition. The esoteric provides the true meaning, while the exoteric can be perceived in many number of ways by those who accept whatever meaning they have been given. For example, the Christmas tree has an esoteric meaning tracing all the way back to Nimrod, however if you look to the world for the exoteric meaning, according to the Encyclopedia Brittanica it says :The modern Christmas tree originated in Germany, where families set up a paradise tree in their homes on December 24, the religious feast day of Adam and Eve. They hung wafers on it (symbolizing the Eucharistic host, the Christian sign of redemption)." However, If you do a search, I'm sure you can find another exoteric meaning for the Christmas tree, probably dozens or more. The exoteric is the web of lies that are built upon the esoteric, or what is hidden, and it is these lies that help conceal the true nature of the esoteric meaning.

Therefore, if we are to understand more clearly what the Mark OF the beast will be, we need to dig for the esoteric meaning of things regarding it. Those who will have the power to force the mark of the beast on mankind will understand the true esoteric meaning of this mark, and the true nature of it. No doubt, it will be concealed within an exoteric meaning. Remember, the word 'occult' means 'knowledge of the hidden'.

By looking to the esoteric beliefs of those who will push the mark of the beast on mankind, I am certainly not suggesting we go study a book on magic, or study astrology, or delve into new age mysticism, or tarot cards, etc, etc. When Jehovah invited us to calculate the number of the beast, I’m sure he most certainly would not have expected us to truly dive into this hidden knowledge in order to identify the mark of the beast. There is enough information provided to us from the scriptures, and history, to help us identify the hidden esoteric meaning within the exoteric, or seen knowledge.  We just have to do a little digging.

With the advent of the internet, we are able to do amazing research into these sacred, and mystical belief systems, without diving into them so to speak. One does not need to jump into the river, to see which way it flows. The information being provided is a small ripple of a vast amount of information that one chose to, they could dive headlong into, which would most assuredly lead to their own demise. The fact that Jehovah invites us to calculate the number tells me that there is enough information available already to identify this mark without diving in.  So lets continue in this path laid out for us and see where it leads, and perhaps some new insight into the mark of the beast will reveal itself.

Following the path of Saturn

As we have been shown from the bible, for thousands of years the Israelites fell time and again to the Saturnian influence over them.  Do we have evidence that the nation of Israel continued on in its course of Saturnian influence after the fall of Jerusalem?  Indeed we do, for following that path from the time of Christ, into the middle ages, we can see that astrology, and the Saturnian influence over the Israelites still continued to exist.  To help us see this as true, we merely need to look to certain historical figures who say just as much.

Abraham ibn Ezra, one of the most distinguished Jewish biblical commentators and philosophers of the middle ages, influenced much of the thinking of todays Jewish ideology. He is often referenced and quoted when dealing with the role that Saturn plays within the Israelite nation in todays world. In an important passage that deals with the role Saturn still plays within the Israelite nation, Abraham ibn Ezra states:

“Among the nations, the Jews are presided over by Saturn, the thought and the scarcity of speech and fraud, and the isolation from men and the power to overcome them…and every tree which produces the poison of death…and the greatness of thought and the knowledge of secrets and the worship of God. And the Jewish nation is the lot of Saturn, among the sciences are the sorceries and the incantations and the science of ethics and metaphysics and philosophy and the science of the dreams, and foretelling the future…hemiplegia and leprosy…and the day of Sabbath.”

Remember, this quote is from the 12th century, well after the Israelite nations was sacked by the Romans. Not only did the Saturnian influence remain within the Israelite nation, it flourished, and fostered an ideology that was influenced and swayed by magic, and sorcery, by fortunetelling, and metaphysics. In 1148, Abraham Ibn Ezra wrote The Beginning of Wisdom as a basic introduction to astrology. 

Whereas a Christian knows that the beginning of wisdom deals specifically with Jesus Christ, the Jewish Nation was being taught that it began with astrology, magic, and sorcery. Ibn Ezras writings had a large influence on what would become the main discipline, or school of thought in Jewish mysticism, called the Kabbalah. An esoteric set of teachings meant to explain the relationship between the unchanging, eternal God, and the mortal, finite universe(according to them). The Kabbalah is the foundation of mystical religious interpretations within Judaism today. As brought out in a prior part of this examination, the occult which is certainly linked with/within the Kabbalistic teachings, is merely mankinds attempt at proving the two lies that Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the Kabbalah certainly tries to do that.

So, because the mark of the beast must come from occult teachings, how do we tie these esoteric teachings of the occult into todays political world, and the events that will ultimately bring about the mark of the beast upon mankind? Even more so, how do we tie Saturn to these events that are coming upon the modern world we see today? 

As mentioned before, we do it through the study of symbolism. Through the use of symbols, those who practice these esoteric teachings, the ones who prescribe to astrology, and magic, and a luciferian system, have cleverly hidden their occult symbols within history itself. Hidden in plain sight(exoteric), the symbols containing the esoteric meaning are laced throughout history for us to see.

The Ouroboros

The Ouroboros symbol is one of the oldest ancient Egyptian symbols in history. It should be no surprise that this symbol, as it has flowed through the river of time, through syncretism, has come to represent none other than Saturn.  

Used in countless beliefs and cultures since it was first used in Egypt, it has always had to do with the occult and alchemy. It is always in the shape of a dragon, or serpent, biting its own tail in a circular fashion. The name means “devouring its own tail’ or “all is one”, and as we will see, it has played a major role in fairly modern times as an exoteric symbol in which most people don’t understand its true esoteric meaning.

Egyptian Museum, Cairo: Material from the tomb treasure of king Tutankhamun, 18th dynasty, New Kingdom of Egypt

The Ouroboros surrounding the sun God as a child denoting its never ending solar cycle.

To the Egyptians, not only did this symbol represent the cycles of nature, but also abstract concepts such as union, eternity, immortality, and infinity. Thus it is easy to see how a symbol associated with time also came to be associated with Saturn, the god of time, who joins the beginning with the end, the first and last months of the year, the solstices of nature. The ouroboros also represented the annual cycle of the stars, the revolution of heavenly bodies. In alchemy, the Ouroboros represents not only the cyclical nature of time and energy, but also the union of opposites necessary to yield the Philosopher’s Stone.

The ouroboros refers to the mystery of cyclical time, which flows back into itself. To the Egyptians, one of these cycles was seen through the flooding of the nile in the summer each year, which itself brought life as the land was regenerated. Thus the serpent eating its own tail was essentially a symbol of salvation to the Egyptians, not only on a physical level, but also a spiritual one, as it signified the belief in an eternal life where one cycle ended another started, the immortal soul. This in itself typifies the second lie that Eve was told by Satan, that she would not die.

From left to right: An ouroboros in a 1478 drawing by Theodoros Pelecanos in an alchemical tract expressing 'unity in all things';   2nd from Left: A Collection of Emblems, Ancient and Moderne, George Wither 1694;    3rd from left: M.L. Cyprianus. The Serpent Ouroboros. 1700s. Page from Cyprianus showing the serpent Ouroboros surrounding a circle with lettering in Latin and Hebrew. Cyprianus is also known as the Black Book, and is the textbook of the Black School at Wittenburg, the book from which a witch or sorceror gets his spells. The Black School at Wittenburg was purportedly a place in Germany where one went to learn the black arts; Far Right: Folio of Cleopatra Chrysopoeia from Codex Marcianus graecus (MS 299 X-XII). Photo credit: Julia Millesima and Hermolaous Parus, Labyrinth Designers and the Art of Fire. The Greek letters in the middle of the ouroboros mean 'The All is One".

To see syncretism at it’s finest, and to visualize how symbols have replaced the statues of old. Compare the Mithraic statue of Saturn/Cronos below, to the masonic circle encircled by the Ouroborus surrounding the winged symbols of freemasonry. If one were to look at the statue from the top down, they would essentially see the snake eating its own tail.  Comparing the two different images with one another, it is easy to see how through centuries of adaptation and sycretism, the serpent continues to surround that which is being presented as wisdom, knowledge, and truth, just as he did in the Garden of Eden from the beginning. Notice the similarities between the images. the snake coiled around each of the images, with the head at the top, symbolocally aluding to who is truly in charge. Also the wings of both, suggesting this knowledge was from a heavenly source. Indeed it was, except this knowledge contains darkness presented as light by the one who makes himself resemble the most high, Lucifer.

(Left) The Leontocephaline from the Villa Albani, of the Saturn Prototype; (Right) Masonic seal of the Ancient and Accepter Rite of Memphis-Misraim. This is a pefect example of sycretism between cultures, the amalmagation of beliefs, from one culture to another.

Eliphas Levi, one of the most renowned thinkers and writer of the occult, wrote over 20 books on magic, Kabbalh, tarot cards, alchemical studies, and occultism.  His writings powerfully influenced the popular, expanding esoteric and magical orders of the 19th century, especially groups such as the S.R.I.A. (Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia), the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society.  Aleister Crowley, initiate of the Golden Dawn and infamous practitioner of “Sex-magick” later claimed to be his reincarnation.

In one of Eliphas Levi’s most influential books he states this:

"This body of the holy spirit, which we term the universal agent, while it was typified by the ancients under the symbol of a serpent devouring his tail; this electromagnetic ether, this vital and luminous caloric, is depicted in archaic monuments by the girdle of Isis, twice folded in a love knot round two poles, as well as by the serpent devouring his own tail, emblematic of prudence and of Saturn.  Eliphas Levi, occultist

Slithering along...

Being that Satan used a physical serpent as his avenue to deceive Eve, a perfect human being, it is not difficult to understand why the symbolic serpent has played such a role in his purpose to enslave humanity with sin. As the seven heads of the beast have risen and fallen in succession, the serpent has remained a consistent element of each of the seven heads within the occult belief systems. Coming full circle(pun intended), from the very beginning of sin, to our world today in the seventh head of the beast, the Ouroborus truly represents the cycle of Satans deception upon the world as it has traveled through the heads of the beast from Egypt to the modern day.

The Ouroboros has travelled through each of the seven heads of the beast. The eigth king spings from the seven heads thus becoming 'the all is one'.

Because the Ouroborus, or the serpent, is ever present within the occult world seven heads of the beast later, it is obvious that Satan intends to use this symbol in some way to mislead the masses, as has been the case from the very beginning regarding the serpent. There should be no question that the final representation of Satan, in order to truly merge the end with the beginning, will compose a mark of the beast that harmonizes with the meaning of the Ouroborus, that ‘the all is one'. The ‘all’ of course meaning, his final composition of the seven headed beast found within Revelation. All the seven heads will finally come together to represent one, the eighth king, and his mark will no doubt bear some resemblance to the ‘original serpent’, the manslayer. (Rev 17:11)

If we follow the progression of the form of the snake starting with Eve, an interesting pattern emerges that offers stirring evidence as to what we can expect next as the serpent morphs its way through time. Starting with an actual physical snake, used to deceive Eve, Satan essentially surrounded the snake around him when he used his voice to work through the snake, or perhpaps he took on the form of a snake, we cannot know. Afterwards, the serpent took on a two dimensional form in Egypt in the form of the Ouroboros. Then we see statues with the serpent surrounding them, using these statues as Satans avenue to mankind. 

Breaking this down, Satan has used an actual physical snake to represent him, two dimensional images, and three dimensional statues, so what does that leave us? The only thing that is left, the digital world. (For a fascinating read on the influence it is now having on the modern technological world read here.)

(Re 12:9) “. . .So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth. . .”

Of course, speculating on these things are one thing, but proving it is something else indeed. Although it is discernible to the person looking at the similarities of the statues and symbols that they do certainly convey a semblance to one another, how can we prove that the Ouroborus has much influence within our modern day society? Before we move on to the next part of this examination, which will further discuss this very question, I want to end this part with an image to show that what is being proposed is more than just speculation. The following image does lend some credibility to what is being proposed throughout this consideration of what the future mark of the beast may entail.

Is the serpent cautiously making its way into the digital world?

I don't think I'll need to point out the glaring elephant in the room, or rather on the image. The new monetary system being created, the FedNow CDBC(Central Bank Digital Currency) program, is being rolled out by the very ones who understand the power of these symbols. This program is being rolled out at this very moment you are reading this. Click the link under the picture to see more. Instant payments have been around for a long time, thus it seems that they simply needed a placeholder to subtly incorporate the age old symbol we have just discussed.

Of course, to the initiatied, this is how building an exoteric(scene by public) meaning for something begins. By placing an esoteric symbol within the world, knowing that it will have certain subliminal influences within society, yet mankind only perceives the exoteric meaning as an instant payment. This is exactly how magic works, and it is the same tried and true system that Satan has used from the very beginning, he takes a truth and coats it with the lie. He whitewashes it. If this symbol in the FedNow advertisement is merely a continuation of the path that we have been following throughout this examination, then we can be sure it will somehow tie in with the mark of the beast in some, as of yet, unknown way.

If Satan intends to manipulate every man, woman, and child, to receive his final creation, the mark of the beast, he will need to warm them up a bit first to the idea before he compels them to comply. This subtle symbol placed into the FEDNO advertisement is just that, the beginning of the whitewash to not only prepare mankind for the new monetary system, but also the eventual mark that will be placed on all of humanity, like it or not.

The next part of this analysis, we will see a direct correlation between this symbol, and how Satan has used Saturn as his main tool against humanity.

PART 3.1

“Now the serpent proved to be the most cautious of all the wild beasts of the field that Jehovah God had made. . .”
Ge 3:1

“. . .So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth. . .” Re 12:9

Deceiving mankind began with a serpent…and it will most certainly end with the serpent. From Genesis to Revelation, the serpent has played a powerful role throughout the different stages of Satans plan for mankind to eventually take his final mark. The mark of the beast is the final step in Satans masterplan, his pièce de ré·sis·tance you could say; his most important and remarkable creation. It is his last ditch attempt at getting as many of mankind as possible to worship him, and for the ones who will push the mark on mankind, it is their final solution for removing Christianity, and its seed, from this satanic world.

Brought forth through the book of Revelation, Jehovah lovingly gave us Satans end game, the 666. Beginning from the first head of the beast, I have tried to present the foundation throughout the first six heads of the seven headed beast, based off of what the scriptures taught us, helping us to identify that Saturn was a dominate force in the repeated fall of the nation of Israel. Through the golden calf Apis(Saturn), through Moloch(Saturn), through the star of Chiun(Saturn) the nation of Israel succumbed to a powerful false god, and continues to do so in todays world.

Gods word is truly the key to discerning the mark of the beast. Although Satan cleverly tries to hide himself within history by creating exoteric meanings to conceal his true nature found within the esoteric, when we look at the path that Jehovah provided from the scriptures through the seven heads of the beast, we can see that the serpent is the beginning…and the end of our examination.


We ended III of this examination with the Ouroborus, the 'all is one' serpent symbol. This symbol, that represents Saturn, has existed since the time of the first head of the beast, and holds significant meaning to the adepts of the sacred and hidden knowledge, the occult. Although that link to establish the esoteric meaning of the Ouroborus, as the representation of Saturn, and time, has been shown, there is much more proof to show that the serpent has indeed played a significant role in fairly modern history, and continues to today, in the seventh head of the beast.

Also, because this examination started with following the Israelites through the first six heads of the beast, it is most certainly necessary to continue in that path the scriptures laid out for us, and follow them into todays world, into the seventh head of the beast. As was shown in the last part of this examination, the Jewish nation is, still to this day, affected by the Saturnian influence over them, and even openly acknowledges it themselves, as was shown in part IV.


The Declaration of the Rights of Man

Many, if not most people, simply believe that the French Revolution was an uprising caused because of a rich and greedy monarchy hoarding food from the citizens, and forcing them to pay excessively high taxes without anything to show for it. That is the quick and easy version, the exoteric and seen account that has been often presented to the world by those who want the revolution to be seen that way, but of course there is much, much, more, at play here.

The French Revolution did many things to evolve the power of those who were truly responsible for it. The Jewish nation was a fairly small population in France that, like it had in most other nations where it came to reside since the diaspora, did not hold many, if any rights at all. The catholic clergy held all the religious power in France at that time, and refused to allow the Jewish nation to hold citizenship within the country of France. This meant of course the small Jewish nation that resided in France, could not vote, could not own property, could not make any difference in the French nation, even though they resided within it.

In an article discussing this very thing, it is noted that the French Revolution was the beginning point of a new existence for the Jewish nation in France, it states:

“For the jews of France, as for their fellow countrymen, the French Revolution came to constitute the myth of origin, the birthdate of a new existence. On September 27, 1791, two years after the storming of the Bastille and the Declaration of the Rights of Man, the French National Assembly voted to admit the Jews of Alsace-Lorraine to citizenship. Subsequent generations would recall this momentous event as a turning point of extraordinary magnitude, and would view themselves as compelling evidence of its transformative power…”

Why are we discussing the French Revolution, when this examination is about the Mark of the Beast? Because those who were responsible for the Revolution will be the same who will force mankind to take the mark of the beast.Thats a bold statement to make, however, if we follow the path of Saturn worship by the Jewish nation, and their worship of Saturn as their God, which they have done from the very first incident with the golden calf, and all the way through the first six heads of the beast, then we should expect the same pattern to emerge in the formation of the seventh head, and indeed we do.

The French Revolution was much more than just a revolution between a countries citizenry and the monarchy, it was the first time in fairly modern history that the esoteric symbolism used by those who practice the occult would present itself within the creation of a new national identity, and an ideology based on vague notions of ’liberty, equality, fraternity’. The revolution also represented a milestone for the Jewish nation living in France, in that for the first time, to be given the same rights as their fellow countrymen.In fact, when one looks at the bigger picture of who actually gained the most from the French Revolution, it was the very ones who worshipped Saturn.

When we look at the artwork of the time, and the results of what transpired afterwards, we can see the hand of the those who practice the occult/kabbalah woven clearly throughout this major event in world history. It would take too long to cover all the symbology in this artwork, therefore we will focus only on a few key symbols within some of the fascinating art pieces of the time.

Hopefully by now you will have already spotted the Ouroboros.The Ouroboros symbol for Saturn is clearly displayed above the preamble of the seventeen key statements of the declaration, and proves that the energy behind the French Revolution was certainly occultist in nature. Along with the other strong symbolism of an earthly woman breaking the chains of slavery, servitude, and monarchy, next to an angel pointing to the all seeing eye. These two figures, the woman and the angel, symbolize the occult phrase ‘as above so below’ which will be discussed shortly in this examination.

When we understand that those who practice the secret mysteries were the ones responsible for the Revolution, it becomes clear as to why it also became the epicenter of dechristianization at the time, and was the first time that Christianity was forbidden upon force of death, since Roman emperor Constantine had made it an official religion centuries earlier.

Religious practice was outlawed and replaced with the cult of the Supreme Being, a deist state religion. Many are not aware that for a brief moment during this time, the abolition of Christianity, and the changing of the calendar actually occurred.

“The program of dechristianization waged against the Christian people of France increased in intensity with the enactment of the Law of 17 September 1793, also known as the Law of Suspects. It was used to carry out more actively the following measures: 1) all priests and all persons protecting them are liable to death on the spot, 2 )the destruction of all crosses, bells and other external signs of worship, 3) the destruction of statues, plaques, and iconography from places of worship. In 1793, the Christian calendar was replaced with one reckoning from the date of the Revolution and the festivals of Liberty, Reason, and the Supreme Being were officially established. During the two-year Reign of Terror, anti-clericalism became more violent than any other in history. [Click here]​

The ones responsible for the French Revolution did exactly as Daniel had prophesied over two millennia earlier.  

It was this point in history when the little horn would prevail over its first victim of the three kings who would all be, in time, humiliated. As spoken by Daniel, this prophecy finds its first fulfillment in the French Revolution: “. . .and he himself will be different from the first ones, and three kings he will humiliate. 25 And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law,. . .” Da7:24-25

Nothing speaks more powerfully against something, than when those words which are meant to extinguish that which it speaks against.

In other words, the new ideology instituted by the priests of the occult upon France would do everything they could to extinguish that which they held to be the very opposite of their sacred knowledge, a true God.

The identity of the little horn that grows mighty would now become clear through the historical account of the French Revolution, and what transpired throughout, and created a historical record to trace its growth and advance that would now become apparent as time advanced. Satan was now making his move to establish the little horn that would become mighty, and ultimately become the King of the North.

Not only did this movement within a movement humiliate the King of France, but in doing so partially fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel, and the small horn in its early stages, by the changing of the Christian calendar(times), and by changing the laws of man, to not only bring in an age of reason and enlightenment, fostered upon new age mysticism and occult teachings, but to destroy that which is fundamentally and completely opposite to its nature, Christianity. This is exactly what will happen during the end with the mark of the beast.

The revolution produced a turning point in history, where those who followed the supposed path of enlightenment with the worship of Saturn, and the many false gods and goddesses, could now foresee the world they wanted, one without Christianity in it. The one where they were the rulers over man, where they owned everything, and mankind was forced to bear the mark that they themselves would force upon us. Thus, the French Revolution was a blueprint of sorts, for those who followed Saturn, and ultimately Lucifer, for the eventual taking over of the world, and the ushering in of a New World Order two centuries later.

Council of the Ancients insignia highlighting the Oroborous, which represents time, eternity, and the God Saturn.

If there are any doubts as to the true occult nature of those who were responsible for the French Revolution, the government that soon followed should quell any doubt. The Council of Ancients or Council of Elders was the upper house of the French legislature under the Constitution of the Year III, during the period commonly known as the Directory, from 22 August 1795 until 9 November 1799, roughly the second half of the period generally referred to as the French Revolution. This was their insignia. The ouroboros is front and center, Saturn, their goto God from the first head of the beast, and now to the French Revolution.

Here is a medal commemorating the Council of Ancients from France from the Royal Collection website.There should be no surprise then to find that the key party to the movement, which caused the French Revolution, should also bear the same sacred symbol. The radical group, knows as the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, which was renamed the Jacobin Club, was one of the most influential political clubs prior, and during the revolution, and certainly the most violent. The Jacobin Club was an extremist left ideology movement, much like the Antifa of today, that perpetuated the system of ideals that those responsible for the revolution forced upon France at that time.

Medal commemorating the Council of Ancients from Royal Collection Website

Jacob Insignia(left), Membership card of the Society of Friends of the Constitution(right)

When we look at the insignia of the Jacobin club, it is a fairly innocuous image with the only thing representing any type of revolutionary belief, is the Phrygian cap that stands above it. However, because all these movements of the left stem from a deeper, esoteric and occult ideology, they ultimately present themselves to their true nature, as did the Jacobin Club. Although much harder to find than the insignia on the left, the Ouroboros is ever present within this revolutionary cause that swept through France when we look at the membership card into the Society of Friends to the Constitution.

"Freedom or Death" - this painting title expresses, as it were, the valid motto of the French Revolution. In 1793/94, when the Frenchman Regnault took on this subject, the great political upheaval had already been in full swing for several years. This motif was commissioned under the so-called "Reign of Terror" of the Jacobins and is one of the few propaganda works of the Revolution executed in oil.

To end this part of the examination, with so much to follow, I leave you with this astonishing image that truly makes one see the extent to which this ideology of the occult plays within the time of history the revolution took place. A propaganda piece making the people of France believe there was only one choice to make, freedom or death.

I hope by now that you can see the esoteric symbol that seems to pervade the time period of the French Revolution. As I said before, the French Revolution was a blueprint of sorts for what would follow, but it will also help us identify, through history, the progress of this satanic ideology that is manifesting itself in todays world. This new order will sit, or establish itself, upon the Saturnian influence that the priests of the sacred knowledge worship. The fact that Freedom(above in the painting) sits upon the symbol of Saturn, the ouroboros, clearly shows this to be true.

'Freedom or death', doesn't that sound familiar when we consider what the mark of the beast will do?

We have followed the path of Saturn, from the first head of the beast, by the Israelite nation, to the French Revolution, just prior to the seventh head being formed, and I can assure you that the pattern does not stop. The little horn that grows mighty, as spoken of by Daniel, grows mightier from that point in our history, and in the following part of this examination perhaps we will truly expose that which we have been searching for, Satans supreme creation, his mark of the beast.

Some other articles here
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Inevitable Sin
The Inevitable Sin
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
Mark of the Beast Pt IV
Mark of the Beast Pt IV

The Mark of the Beast Pt III