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After applying new version hover over verses to read. 2 Tim 3:16

Mark of the Beast Pt IV

Although we can only speculate on what the mark of the beast will be, I have tried to present a credible framework in the first three parts of this examination to build upon, and to provide credible evidence and reasoning on how Saturn has played such a pivotal role in the repeated fall of the Israelite nation throughout the scriptures, and even into the present day.

Through the golden calf Apis(Saturn), through Moloch(Saturn), through the star of Kaiwan(Saturn) at Amos 5:26, through the star of Rephan(Saturn) at Acts 7:43, the Israelite nation essentially drew a path for us as they consistently gave into false worship of pagan deities. The final mention of false worship in the Bible comes from Stephen, who, inspired by the Holy Spirit, delivers a timeline of God's chosen people and their repeated rejection of Him to the Sanhedrin and others. When recounting the history of the Israelites, Stephen highlights this pivotal moment, stating:

". . .But it was the tent of Moloch and the star of the god Rephan that YOU took up, the figures which YOU made to worship them. Consequently, I will deport YOU beyond Babylon."(Acts 7:43)​

Moloch, Kaiwan, Rephan all refer to Saturn.

This passage from Stephen in Acts underscores the gravity of Israel's idolatry and its consequences, as well as the persistent allure of false gods throughout their history. As already mentioned, the god Remphan, also known as Rephan in Greek, equates to the Mesopotamian deity Kaiwan, both of whom symbolize Saturn.

Stephen's mention of the Israelites worshiping these gods also encompasses their veneration of a star associated with these deities. While the Bible doesn't explicitly detail the specific star referenced by Stephen, the evidence that has been left throughout history provides enough information to draw a clear conclusion of what the star is, and represents.

Before introducing you to the star of Saturn, it's fascinating to note a detail within the scriptures. Just before Stephen's inspired narrative, take note of those who were there for his discourse other than the Sanhedrin. The Synagogue of Freedmen, also referred to as the Synagogue of Libertines or Liberty in the King James Version.

“. . .But certain men rose up of those from the so-called Synagogue of the Freedmen. . .” Acts 6:9

The intriguing aspect here lies in the similarity between the name "Freedmen" and "Freemason." Stephen's mention of the star of Remphan/Kaiwan, which is connected to Saturn, resonates with themes often found in Freemasonry. Given Freemasonry's historical ties to symbolism and ancient knowledge, it's conceivable that there could be syncretism or shared ideological elements between the Freedmen of the bible, and the Freemasons of today. While parallels may exist, conclusive proof of a connection between the Synagogue of Freedmen and Freemasonry may never be known, nevertheless it is a fascinating aspect to consider the relationship these two groups may share.

Introducing…the Star of Saturn!

As shown in part III, The Ouroboros, a symbol depicting a serpent eating its own tail, has played a significant role in history and most certainly within the occult. Understanding its importance, alongside Saturn worship, has been a key focus of my exploration on this journey, for the serpent has always played a role within the seven heads of the beast in Revelation. (Rev 13:1)

The bible provides glimpses of Saturn's influence on God's chosen people through references to figures like Apis(golden calf), Molech, Kaiwan, and Remphan, all of whom are linked to Saturn. However, these insights from the scriptures only get us so far on this historical path, as the last book Revelation was penned at the end of the first century around 96ad.

There exists a significant gap in history between then and now. Fortunately, across millennia, Saturn worship has persisted among those drawn to its perceived sacred knowledge. Through the practices and beliefs of those who practice the occult, we gain insight into the enduring trail of Saturn and the various forms through which Satan presents this potent deity. Saturn's transformation throughout history, from a calf to a bull, then to a deity devouring its offspring, and finally to a serpent consuming its own tail, illustrates Satan's adaptive manipulation of Saturn to serve his worship objectives.

From Apis the golden calf, to Molech, to Kaiwan, and Remphan, to a God who eats his own children and finally to an Ouroboros, we see Saturn morph into different forms.

It's not difficult to reestablish the trail of Saturn after the historical evidence provided by the bible ends. Even though the Israelite nation was destroyed in 70ce by the Romans, their allure to the pagan deity Saturn remained constant throughout the dark ages, even up into todays modern world.

Eliphaz Levi, a prominent occultist, explicitly associates the Ouroboros symbol with Saturn in his writings, underlining its profound significance in occult teachings. In one of his most well-known books, Transcendental Magic, Levi states:

"This body of the holy spirit, which we term the universal agent, while it was typified by the ancients under the symbol of a serpent devouring his tail; this electromagnetic ether, this vital and luminous caloric, is depicted in archaic monuments by the girdle of Isis, twice folded in a love knot round two poles, as well as by the serpent devouring his own tail, emblematic of prudence and of Saturn.” 

It should be clear to all who are reading this by now that Saturn is the common denominator in this equation of symbolic meaning.

'Saturn' by Vincent Cartar, 17th Century

Apis(golden calf) = Saturn

Molech = Saturn

Kaiwan = Saturn

Remphan = Saturn

Ouroborus = Saturn

Those within the occult world, such as Levi and Cartar, and the images they produce, strengthen the association between the serpent eating its own tail and Saturn within occult teachings. Therefore, considering the serpent eating its own tail as a representation of Saturn, it shouldn't come as a shock that a star situated within that serpent's circle would be dubbed anything other than the Star of Saturn, otherwise known as Re’phan or Kaiwan's star, as mentioned at Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43.

So, without further ado…introducing,

The following images all have something in common. It will be apparent to the reader that in each of these images, the ouroboros, representative of Saturn, is surrounding a six-pointed star. This star is what represented their false Gods found at Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43. It is the same star found in today's world, in the continuation of false worship to Saturn by the Israelite nation. It is NOT the star of David, which is the exoteric meaning given to the world in order to hide its true meaning. However, the true esoteric nature of this star, is that it is the Star of Saturn, through which the spirit of Satan operates by those who worship it.

(Am 5:26) “. . .And YOU will certainly carry Sakkuth YOUR king and Kaiwan, YOUR images, the star of YOUR god, whom YOU made for yourselves.”
". . .But it was the tent of Moloch and the star of the god Rephan that YOU took up, the figures which YOU made to worship them. Consequently, I will deport YOU beyond Babylon."(Acts 7:43)​

From The Ouroboros and Unity of Matter in Alchemy, c. 1962

Astrological signs from 'Opus medico-chymicum' (1618) by Johann Daniel

Drawing by occultist Eliphaz Levi on the cover of his book Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual. c. 1854

The book "Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual" by Eliphas Levi was indeed very popular within occult circles. First published in 1854, it became influential in the development of Western occultism. Levi's work explored various esoteric topics, including magical rituals, symbolism, and spiritual principles. His ideas had a significant impact on later occultists and esoteric thinkers, contributing to the growth and evolution of occult traditions in the Western world. The image above is blasphemously named 'Black Jehovah, White Jehovah', and clearly demonstrates the occult nature this image is associated with.

Charles Delorme was a French engraver and illustrator known for his work on alchemical and mystical subjects. This etching is part of a series of alchemical illustrations created during the 17th century, a period when alchemy was intertwined with philosophy, mysticism, and early scientific inquiry. The snake eating its own tail has been highlighted to be more easily seen.

The logo of the Theosophical Society

The Theosophical Society, founded in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky, a Russian mystic and occultist, and the principal thinker of the Theosophy movement.  Many of her writings contained references to Lucifer as a symbol of enlightenment, wisdom, and the light-bringer; as a symbol of spiritual awakening and the potential for humanity to attain higher consciousness.

Her works had a significant impact on the occult world and influenced various movements, and individuals, in the esoteric and mystical traditions.  One of those individuals was Alice Bailey who formed the organization known as "Lucifer Trust" founded in 1922 as the Lucifer Publishing Company. It later changed its name from Lucifer Publishing Company to Lucis Trust in 1924.  Lucis Trust, has  consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Star of Saturn today

This truly ancient symbol, the six-pointed star, is a sigil thought to have magical powers, and according to legend, King Solomon used this symbol to protect himself from the demons. Apparently, it doesn’t work very well, for if we look at what happened to King Solomon, he fell to the many deities his foreign wives had influenced him with. Certainly, if you are looking at a symbol to give you protection from the evil forces, Satan has already won. Nevertheless, the significance of Saturn's star holds a profound place within occult practices, and among those who seek sacred knowledge from the hidden wisdom, this star is a magical talisman. This symbol holds sway over those who consider it a reservoir of power, however, it is important to understand that its power is sourced to Satan, who, according to Stephen's inspired narrative (Acts 7:43), employed it to lead the Israelites astray from Jehovah.

Given the close association between the Ouroboros and the star of Saturn, within occult imagery, it becomes evident why organizations and societies incorporating them into their logos wield significant influence worldwide, most notably the Freemasons. It's crucial to recall the biblical narrative where Satan tempted Jesus by offering him worldly power and influence in exchange for a single act of worship. Satan bestows power and influence upon those who are willing to worship him(Matt 4:9), and these symbols serve as conduits for drawing disciples to him through the guise of sacred knowledge and pseudoscientific disciplines such as mysticism and astrology.

There are many variations on what the two triangles of the six-pointed star represent: heaven and earth, fire and water, man and woman, the microcosm and macrocosm of our existence, as above so below etc.…etc. Even Freemasonry's official publication, ‘The Voice of Freemasonry’ states

“The Star of David is a Kabbalistic symbol of sexual union, with the upward-pointing triangle symbolizing the phallus/lingam and the downward triangle representing the womb/yoni.” (Volume 36, Number 3, 2019, pg 7)

The ​Kabbala, the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible, seeks to explain the relationship between the unchanging eternal God, and the mortal, finite universe. It forms the foundation of mystical religious interpretations within Judaism, the basis to which the pseudoscience of the occult has been built upon. Within this sacred ideology, the star of Saturn plays a fundamental role to those who practice the Kabbala. Understanding this historical journey of Saturn's symbolism, from biblical narratives to its significance in occult knowledge, is crucial if we are to understand the role it plays in todays world.

It is my hope that by providing this information, it will allow you to discern its importance through historical evidence based on actual history, rather than just speculating on the nature of the Star of Saturn. It is my hope that I have effectively conveyed the evolution of Saturn's symbolism throughout the millennia within the realm of occult knowledge. There is so much more that could be covered, but for the sake of brevity I am only covering just enough to highlight the path of Saturn through the ages.

There are many dark and mysterious aspects that one could delve into regarding this topic, and to be honest I don’t really want to go to those depths, nor would I expect Jehovah to want us too either. Thus, without jumping into these mystical waters, we simply observe the flow of the river of knowledge as it has been presented to us through the course of time. At this point in time, we are going to take a small detour to talk about creation.

Counterfeiting God

Everything we do is a creation. Our thoughts are a creation, and our actions are a manifestation of those creations. You are creating right now as you read this, your eyes are creating signals that your brain interprets as sight. Your ears are creating vibrations with which you brain identifies as sound. Your very heart pumping, and your breathing are caused by impulses that are created by your brain. Everything we do is a creation because we were made in the very image of our God, who is a creator.

With this understanding, we must understand that everything Satan does is also a creation. Simply look at the world around that he has created, the wars, the hatred, the greed and corruption are all manifestations of his creation. From the very beginning, Satan has sought to mimic the true God. However, he does not have the ability to create something perfect anymore because he too is imperfect.

Rooted in deception and for his own nefarious purpose, Satan often distorts elements of God's creation with his own malevolent twist. For instance, as discussed in part I of this examination, mankind exhibits a wide range of personalities, and it's plausible that God utilizes gravitational forces on Earth to shape these diverse traits. Just as the moon's gravity influences ocean tides, it's conceivable that it also affects the amniotic fluid within the womb. This could explain why individuals born during the same time of year might exhibit, or share, certain characteristics or traits with others born in the same month.

Indeed, if this premise holds true, Satan would have been aware of this truth regarding Gods creation and could have easily manipulated it into the pseudoscience of astrology when he gave it to man prior to the flood. Consequently, the credit rightfully owed to Jehovah for His incredible wisdom in crafting a diverse array of personalities is now usurped by Satan through the veneration of planets and stars. Thus, rather than turning faithfully to God in prayer for guidance and care, individuals rely on their horoscope for answers or consult psychics for glimpses into their future blessings, and their purpose in life.

This simple example of how Satan mimics God's creative works and substitutes them with his own falsehoods may indeed hold the key to understanding the mark of the beast, and what it is. Satans final act upon mankind is the creation of the mark of the beast, his last-ditch attempt that will compel (Rev 13:16) the whole world to worship him by receiving his mark.

Because he has consistently attempted to portray himself as God, then we should expect nothing less when he creates the mark of the beast, his ultimate creation. With that in mind, lets consider one of the fundamental aspects of creation, mitosis, and how it may help us to identify how Satan will try to compel mankind to worship him.


When we examine Jehovah's perfect process of creation, and how things manifest in the physical realm, we encounter certain fundamental principles. One of those key principles is the process of mitosis. Mitosis entails the replication of a single cell into another cell, with both possessing the same number and type of chromosomes. All living organisms undergo this process of cell duplication or reproduction, wherein one cell gives rise to two genetically identical cells. As one cell divides into two, two cells become four, then eight, sixteen, and so on and so on.

Mitosis is a fundamental process of creation

It is essential to clearly understand that mitosis is Jehovahs perfect process for the creation of mankind into a physical body. Mitosis is the foundational process of creation. From the moment of conception, when we are brought into existence, mitosis is the principle process of creation within the physical realm. After fertilization of the egg by the sperm, mitosis causes rapid cell division, leading to the formation of a multicellular embryo. With this fundamental truth of creation in mind, please read the following verse:

“. . .As for you, you have said in your heart, ‘To the heavens I shall go up. Above the stars of God I shall lift up my throne, and I shall sit down upon the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. 14 I shall go up above the high places of the clouds; I shall make myself resemble the Most High.’”​ (Isa 14:13-14)

The only way for Satan to 'resemble' the true God, is to copy, or mimic what God has already done, albeit with his own twist. Satan is unable to physically create things within the physical plane of existence, he must use mankind as his proxy to create for him. Because the mark of the beast is Satans ultimate creation, should we expect anything less than for him to counterfeit Gods perfect process of creation?

Consider that from the very beginning Satan has utilized various forms to exert influence over mankind. Initially, he utilized physical entities such as the snake. He then used various other forms such as pagan statues, idols, and symbols, which existed in three-dimensional and two-dimensional planes of existence (see parts II and III of this examination for examples). However, as humanity has progressed, the advent of electronic technology ushered in the digital world. In the 20th century, the rise of digital computers and electronics, along with more recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), has provided Satan with a new platform, or dimension, to refine his deceptive techniques.

Remarkably, the biological process of mitosis can be translated/converted into a digital format, through a method known as the digital rooting of numbers. As you will see, this simple mathematical process of rooting numbers not only validates that we are still on the path of Saturn, but also provides a potential understanding of what role this star will play in the future.

The Digital Root

Digital roots have various applications in mathematics, including number theory, digital cryptography, and recreational mathematics. Calculating a digital root is a simple mathematical operation performed on a number to obtain a single-digit result. To calculate the digital root of a number, you repeatedly sum the digits of the number until a single-digit result is obtained.

For example, to find out what the digital root of 123 is:

1 + 2 + 3 = 6

Since 6 is a single digit, 6 is the digital root of 123.

Another example, the digital root of 9875:

9 + 8 + 7 + 5 = 29

29= 2+9 = 11

11= 1+1 = 2

So, the digital root of 9875 is 2.

To convert mitosis into a digital format, we need to transform the numbers involved in the process of mitosis into single digits. Below is a chart to illustrate this process:

The process of converting mitosis to a digital form is done by using the digital rooting of numbers

By applying this conversion process to each number associated with mitosis(1,2,4,8,16...), we obtain a digital representation of the biological process of creation. This digital format provides us with a new perspective on understanding and analyzing mitosis within the digital realm.

Computing a digital root from any number is indeed quite straightforward, as you've already observed in the image above. Furthermore, when we reduce the numbers associated with the mitosis principle to their digital root, a recurring pattern emerges, persisting indefinitely. Specifically, the sequence of numbers







repeats after every sixth number. This sequence continues infinitely, and when we connect these numbers together on a chart, they form a cyclical pattern that holds significant implications for our understanding of mitosis and its potential connection with the Star of Saturn.

This animated graph follows the pattern created when we convert the creative process of mitosis into a digital format.

Of course, if we look at the circle and the pattern that is created by connecting the six numbers 1,2,4,8,7,5, there isn't really anything of significance that we can see. However, if we were to continue this pattern such as the following image shows, we can begin to see something quite fascinating.

Indeed, the pattern formed by the sequence of digital roots of mitosis —1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5— extends indefinitely and begins to resemble a structure familiar to us all: DNA. The resemblence between the digitized mitosis and DNA is not coincidental but rather logical, as this digital structure mirrors the creative process of mitosis, a fundamental mechanism underlying the formation of DNA. Therefore, the pattern generated through this mathematical procedure serves as an authentic representation, in digital form, of the intricate process of mitosis.

Far from mere speculation, we have credible evidence to help us in this investigation. This discovery that the fundamental creative process used by Jehovah can be turned into a digital format has incredible ramifications, as will now be shown.

I Shall Make Myself Resemble the Most High

The digital format of mitosis never uses the 3, 6, or 9 in its converted format.

Within the converted mitosis format, the numbers 3,6, and 9 never occur. I cannot tell you why, although I do have a theory that may explain this. Everything living has Gods spirit within it to give it life. Angels, humans, animals, cells, all require this spirit to exist and operate within creation. It could be that the 3,6, and 9 represents the spiritual aspect of our existence. For we are part physical AND part spiritual. Of course, Satan also knows this, that we are created with two parts physical and spiritual.

I shall make myself resemble the Most High.’”​ (Isa 14:13-14)

If the digital root pattern of mitosis indeed reflects this in its nature, it would not be surprising if Satan, being aware of this fundamental aspect of human nature, manipulates it for his own evil purposes just as he has always done. Remember, Satan is trying to 'resemble the most high' (Isa 14:14).

The creative process of mitosis is the perfect means in which God determined for life to manifest, thus the first circle below of mitosis in digital format is a perfect representation of this process. As previously mentioned, Satan consistently presents himself as a counterfeit of God, exploiting and distorting God's creations to serve his own agenda while usurping credit for himself. This behavior aligns with the notion that "the best lie is the one that stays closest to the truth," as Satan often mirrors or counterfeits divine truths in his deceptive schemes.

So lets apply this perspective, that Satan mimics God in his creative process, and see what occurs.

As you can see, what emerges is the star of Saturn. Thus, this star represents a symbolic manifestation of Satan's deceitful mimicry of God's design— a distorted reflection that serves as an emblem of his inverted intentions and manipulative tactics. Thus, the association between the process of mitosis and the star of Saturn underscores the depth of Satan's deceptive strategies and his ongoing efforts to subvert divine truths for his own purposes.

When we look at the scripture from Rev 13:18, Jehovah invites us to 'count' the number of the beast which is 666. Can we do so with the star of Saturn? Indeed, we can. The numbers 3, 6, and 9 when mirrored to create the star of Saturn, create a new set of numbers of which the 3, 6, and 9 can be seen twice. If we take the number 36 and add up the sum of numbers from 1 to 36, we are counting the number of the beast, 666.

Thus, when we apply the numbers to the star of Saturn, we are left with 3,3,6,6,9,9. Half with divine influence, and the other half Satanic, presenting a striking mirror reflection. This certainly embodies fusion of opposing forces, symbolizing a convergence of God’s design and Satan’s deceit...or as an occultist would say 'As below'.


I understand that the concept of the six-pointed star as being the 666 is nothing new. While the alignment of 6 points, 6 sides, and 6 corners seemingly corresponds to 666, this interpretation always felt arbitrary and lacked substantial support or a coherent framework of reasoning to stand upon. However, our journey has led us to a similar conclusion, albeit through a profoundly different path illuminated by various reasons, and I feel, much stronger evidence. Starting with the biblical context of Israels false worship, we followed the progression of Saturn as it morphed into different Gods through the millenniums, until we were able to recognize its current manifestation as the Ouroboros as viewed by those in the occult world.

Using this information, we discovered the star within the Ouroboros symbolizes the Star of Saturn, as the Ouroboros itself embodies Saturn. This was a key to helping us along our path of discovery. Exploring the mark of the beast, as a creation, led us to examine God's own creative processes in the physical world. This led us to mitosis, a fundamental aspect of cellular reproduction. Through the application of simple mathematical principles, particularly the formation of a digital root, we discovered striking similarities between mitosis and DNA within a digital framework.

This revelation was significant, as it established a tangible connection between biological reproduction and digital patterns, shedding light on the intricacies of creation and potentially offering insights into the star of Saturn and it's influence within the mystical ideologies. Seeking to further investigate this connection, I compared the digital mitosis pattern to the key we already possessed—the Star of Saturn. To my astonishment, there was an exact match when we mirrored the digital mitosis pattern. This remarkable alignment reinforced the significance of our findings and hinted at deeper connections between biological processes, symbolism, and the potential truth regarding the greatest mysteries within the Bible, the Mark of the Beast.

Some other articles here
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Inevitable Sin
The Inevitable Sin
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
Mark of the Beast Pt IV
Mark of the Beast Pt IV

Mark of the Beast Pt IV