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The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1

“. . .And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.” (Re 13:16-18)

The Mark OF the Beast

There can be only one true God. However, if you were to ask Satan, it would surely be to him you are to direct your worship. His selfish act of rebellion in the Garden of Eden started a cascade of events leading to an inevitable end foretold to occur in the last days. For thousands of years, he has been building a foundation of which to place upon his greatest creation, the Mark of the Beast. You are his target. You are the recipient of his attention as we draw ever closer to the day when his mark will be forced on every man, woman, and child in the world. Unless you can prepare yourself in your heart and mind, to be ready for that day through faith in the only true God, through his son Jesus Christ, you won't be able to resist the powerful influence that will permeate this wicked system, and you will unfortunately accept his mark just to stay alive.

This will be a series of articles examining the very thing we have been warned about from our loving creator. The mark of the beast is not a fantasy, or a make-believe story to entertain us when we read the bible. It was put inside the scriptures as a warning because God knows that this will be one of Satans most clever machinations ever. Not only did God warn us, but he gave us several clues within the scripture to help us be ready as the end times draw near. So, lets begin on this journey as we look to the clues God has provided us and see where they may lead.

“. . .Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.”​ (Re 13:18)

Physical or Spiritual?

First, and probably the most renowned clue that most people already know without even opening the bible is the number of the beast, 666. This number is well known throughout the world, whether one is a Christian or not, that it is the devil's number. When we consider this number and the information surrounding it, there are several questions that we should briefly discuss regarding its nature. Many have their own ides regarding the mark of the beast, and what it will be, so lets do some reasoning on this and see if we can come to a clearer understanding of whether this mark is simply spiritual in nature, physical, or perhaps both.

If this is merely a spiritual mark, as some suggest, how can man calculate, or count, anything spiritual? Mankind is unable to see into the spiritual realm or calculate anything of measure within it. How does wisdom, or intelligence, as the verse above suggests, benefit one who is calculating the mark of the beast, if it is only visible in the spiritual world?

Is this house evil because its house number is 666?

The actual real number 666 is no more evil than 45, or 8576, or any real number that man can count to. It’s just a number. Yes, it has been associated with the most wicked force in the universe, but that doesn't make the actual number evil. Having a license plate with 666XYZ, or an address of 666 Main St., doesn’t make the car or house evil, does it? Of course not. Nor would having 666 dollars in the bank make your account evil. Therefore, because Revelations was written in symbols and images, the number itself must be represented symbolically by something that can be calculated to six hundred and sixty-six.

Another clue provided from the scriptures tell us that the whole world will be required to accept the mark, in order to buy or sell. Buying and selling is a description of something that is done in the physical world. If the mark of the beast was simply spiritual in nature, how would a grocery store read a spiritual mark? This isn’t proof that the mark will be physical, but if it was merely a spiritual mark, how would the beast system actively prevent people from physically buying or selling, if they could not see an actual mark?

Possibly the strongest evidence we are given to help decipher whether the mark is spiritual or physical, is the short phrase given at Rev 13:18, which states ‘it is a man's number’. If the mark is a man's number, this begs the question, what isn’t a man's number? Well, something that is spiritual, something that we cannot see, something within the angelic realm. Since it is a man's number, we must therefore be able to see it, to calculate it, and to measure it in some way. Why else would God give us that specific detail within the prophecy if he wanted us to think the mark of the beast was merely spiritual in nature?

God warns us that the beast system will require this mark on all humans or be faced with certain death. How would those doing the killing know whether one had accepted the mark, if it was spiritual?  What good is a spiritual mark to those forcing it upon mankind, if they are unable to physically see who have accepted it or not?

Sometimes it easier to find or identify something when you look at what it isn't. When there are several options placed before you, it can make it easier to identify what you want by whittling away at what you don't.

Coming from that perspective then, it is important to understand that this is not a mark from God that identifies those who have accepted Satan as their God, but rather, quite the opposite. The mark of the beast is a mark required by Satan through his earthly representatives, as it literally is a mark OF the beast, for the beast, and by the beast. Satan himself isn't giving the mark, the people who represent him are, his proxy on earth.

Therefore, because Satan's earthly representatives cannot read a person's spiritual nature, it must be a physical mark that will be forced upon you, by the beast system. Should you take the mark of the beast, you will be showing that you now represent Satan, and accept him as the only solution to mankind's problems. This is a sin against the Holy Spirit, and it is this act of obedience that condemns all those who accept the mark to a permanent nonexistence, death. (Rev 14:11)

Just as the Pharisees committed the unforgivable sin by not putting faith in Jesus Christ, so too, those who accept the mark OF the beast will not be putting faith in the two witnesses who represent Jesus Christ during the 1260 days of judgement upon this world. Jesus was Gods representative while he was on earth, and during the last days the chosen ones of Christ will be his representatives as they stand before him and prophecy to the world the coming judgments of God.

. . .And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.” 4 These are [symbolized by] the two olive trees and the two lampstands and are standing before the Lord of the earth.  (Re 11:3-4)

Although this in itself is a fascinating topic within the scriptures, we will hold our focus on the task at hand, which is centered around the mark of the beast.

As already mentioned, Satan cannot mark mankind physically. No, he is a spirit, and Jehovah has limited his ability to interact within the physical world. Nor can humans mark one another spiritually, as we do not possess the ability to mark another human in a spiritual manner, seen only by the spiritual realm.

These two axioms of truth highlight why the mark of the beast must be physical in nature. Because Satans beast system will be forcing the mark of the beast on mankind within the physical world, the mark must be of a physical means. Combined this understanding with the other reasoning points above, a stronger hypothesis can be made regarding the true nature of the mark OF the beast.

Ezekials mark was spiritual, unseen by physical man

Unlike in Ezekiel’s vision of the man clothed in linen, who spiritually marked those who were sighing and groaning over all the detestable things being done in Jerusalem, the mark OF the beast is a mark given from Satan through his earthly representatives(mankind), who rule the world during that time in the near future. It is not a spiritual mark from God identifying those who follow the beast, but rather, is a physical mark denoting acceptance of the Satanic system and its God, as the source of that mark. Only when we look at the prophecy from this frame of reference, that the mark ‘OF’ the beast is physical, can we hope to calculate what it means. History can help us examine this prophecy to gain more insight into understanding the physical, and satanic nature of this mark.

To begin, it’s critical to understand what it means to represent someone, or something.

 To Represent:   To be entitled or appointed to act, or speak for someone, especially in an official capacity.

“. . .and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast. . .” Re 13:3-4

It should be clear that Satan has authorized the kingdoms of the world, the beast system, to be his physical agents on earth to act in his behalf, to be his mouthpiece and speak for him, and to exert influence onto people in order to receive their worship. Unable to physically manifest himself into the physical realm, Satan must use a physical proxy to sway mankind to the dark side. History has left us a vast repository of information that we can use to see how these representatives of Satan, and thus Satan himself, will lead mankind to accept the mark OF the beast. Breaking down the phrase ‘the mark OF the beast’ and what that means, is a critical step in understanding what the mark is. So, what exactly is it a mark OF? What exactly is the wild beast?

The Beast

The mark of the beast, is a mark of the eighth and final king, symbolized in the Bible as the beast ascending out of the sea with ten horns, and seven heads.

“. . .And it stood still upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, but upon its heads blasphemous names. 2 Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to [the beast] its power and its throne and great authority.” (Re 13:1-2)

“And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king], but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.” (Re 17:11)
The seven heads represent seven kingdoms from which the eighth king will spring.

Each head of the beast represents a kingdom, and these kingdoms represented Satans system over Gods people throughout biblical history. These kingdoms are:

  • Egypt
  • Assyria
  • Babylon
  • Medo-Persia
  • Greece
  • Rome
  • Anglo-America

The eighth, and final king, springs from the other seven prior to it(Rev 17:11), and thus takes on characteristics from each of the seven kingdoms that have ruled over mankind. Essentially, the seven kingdoms were the foundation upon which the eighth king culminates his existence. The seven kingdoms help us to see the preparation Satan needed to eventually compel the entire world to receive his mark. Because the eighth king has taken on certain characteristics of the other kingdoms, the mark will most likely also represent something from each of the prior kingdoms, for it is a mark OF the beast.

The history, and cultures of these seven kingdoms, provides us with a roadmap of sorts that shows us the path Satan has taken to bring about his final coup of mankind. For the past 6000 years, throughout each of the seven kingdoms of the beast, Satan has been laying a groundwork of false gods to represent him, to speak for him, to coerce, and soon, to force the world to receive his mark. We must therefore look to this foundation of false gods, represented by the images and symbols that the ancients worshipped, to more clearly identify how Satan has prepared mankind for the mark of the beast, and to help us identify how we may be able to calculate the number of its name.

The Rabbit Hole

First off, digging into ancient cultures, and their beliefs, is a rabbit hole of information that is most certainly overwhelming for anyone considering such an endeavor. Each kingdom, whether it was Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian… etc, had their own system of gods and goddesses in which they worshipped, and their own interpretation of how that worship was done.

This is of course by design from Satan, for what better way to mislead people, and draw them away from the true God than by creating a labyrinth of beliefs, ever changing by the society in which the story of God, and creation, is told. This ultimately translates into a multitude of traditions, and intertwined beliefs within a culture, so that the majority of people don’t undertstand why they worship the way they do, why they celebrate holidays, or give honor to a god or goddess, they simply accept it as a normal part of everyday life.

Christmas is the perfect example of how unknowing those who celebrate it truly are. Tied together with different beliefs and customs from many of the ancient kingdoms, Christmas is looked upon as a normal part of life for a large part of the world. Never-mind that the origin of Christmas is associated with the worship of false gods, the rabbit hole from the surface appears to be innocuous, yet underneath there is a wide network of lies, and false religious beliefs that ultimately leads to a false god. These traditons are what hold the lies together, they are the patchwork that makes it so hard to clearly grasp what Satans influence over the world has done to humanity. These are the lies that help him build his foundation to prepare the world for the mark of the beast.

However, as confusing and deep a hole it can be, this rabbit hole must eventually funnel down into original stories, beliefs, and traditions that each kingdom used as the source material for their interpretation of their own gods.

The Men of Name

We can find the beginning of these stories from the Bible where we encounter the first mighty hunter in opposition to God, Nimrod. In fact, the bible conveniently helps us to see that this was the start of opposition after the flood. It states:

“. . .And Cush became father to Nim´rod. He made the start in becoming a mighty one in the earth. He displayed himself a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. . .” (Ge 10:8-9)

Interestingly, the same Hebrew word describing Nimrod as being mighty, is the same word used to to describe the Nephilim as mighty.

“The Nephilim proved to be in the earth …they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame.” (Ge6:4)

The fact that the same word is used to describe a hybrid race of mankind, the Nephilim, and the first opposer to Jehovah, Nimrod, gives cause to consider the Nephilim a bit more closely. The men of fame, the Nephilim, were no doubt a prominent part of pre-flood culture, for they possessed qualities that were, most likely, unexplainable to normal man. Mankind from that time period must have looked at them with awe, and no doubt fear, as the Nephilim did whatever they pleased, and the world was filled with violence because of them.

No doubt the fallen angels who had taken on a human form, and who fathered the Nephilim, played a major role in civilization during that time prior to the flood, perhaps even teaching their offspring how to force mankind to worship them. Because the bible gives us so little information regarding this time in history, we must speculate what it may have been like, based off of what little we know. We know that fallen angels forsook their proper dwelling place in heaven, took as many women as they wanted, and that they most certainly wanted to be worshipped as gods. Although it cannot be proven, it is quite likely that these men of ‘fame’, the Nephilim, were the first ones to be worshipped by mankind, perhaps even under force of death. In researching these verses, it was incredibly interesting to find that when it describes the Nephilim as the ‘men of fame’, it literally means men of ‘name’.

The world was filled with violence due to the fallen angels and their hybrid sons, the Nephilm.

Although the Nephilim seem to be portrayed as oversized bullies, it is highly likely they were incredibly intelligent, as they were offspring of the fallen angels.​

What better way for the wicked fallen angels to receive that worship for themselves, than to give their hybrid human son their own angelic name, or perhaps a derivation of it, thus making the Nephilim the men of fame/name. This theory does stand up to reasoning when we consider that at Daniel 10:13 the realm of Persia apparently represents a demonic prince called by the same name. Therefore, the fallen angels may have used the Nephilim, their own sons, to represent them in the physical world. If the demonic princess name nations after themselves, why not their own offspring?

This brings a new meaning to the mighty ones of old, and the saying ‘like father, like son’, does it not? Of course this is entirely speculative in nature, but fascinating to consider none the less. Besides taking any woman whom they chose, the fallen angels most certainly intended to create themselves as gods for mankind to worship. It is highly likely that it was at this moment in earths history the the fallen angels gave mankind the hidden wisdom, or the so-called 'sacred knowledge' that the angels would use to mislead mankind into idol worship.

Astrology is born

Was astrology the hidden wisdom given to man by the fallen angels?

To support this idea, we need to merely look at astrology, and the zodiac. Depending on when one is born, a zodiac is assigned to a certain month of the year. According to what zodiac sign a person has, their personality and traits, and even their future, is supposed to be determined by the time of the year they were born. Is it just coincidence that your personality traits do some how match the traits of the zodiac sign?

It is a scientific truth that the sun and moon have gravitational effects on the earth. If the gravity of the sun and moon can affect the oceans waves and tides, it is also quite possible that during pregnancy, these gravitational forces can affect the amniotic fluid inside the womb, paving the way for a persons traits and characteristics to be formed during their time in their mothers belly, essentially forming their core personality. Of course, if this is true, it is simply because Jehovah created us with this in mind, and this was his way of creating a diverse range of personalities and traits within his creation. What a marvelous God we have.

Does gravity influence the amniotic fluid of an embryo to help form our personality?

Thus, the wide range of mankinds personalities would merely be a scientific phenomenon, explainable through the gravitational effect on dna, and the synapsis of the brain, during formation in the womb. However, the people of the world during the time of the Nephilim would not have known this scientific truth. Being that the angles took on a human form, it is very possible that this is when they took this creative truth of gravitational forces affecting mankind in the womb, and twisted it, creating the zodiac of astrology, and the basic formula for all that astrology and the sacred knowledge now entails. Instead of giving credit to Jehovah for our diverse personalities, credit is now given to the stars and planets within creation themselves, which ultimately leads to idolatrous planet and star worship. No doubt this is why God warned the Israelites not to do this.

“and that you may not raise your eyes to the heavens and indeed see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the army of the heavens, and actually get seduced and bow down to them and serve them, which Jehovah your God has apportioned to all the peoples under the whole heavens.” (De 4:19)

By taking a truth of creation, and twisting it to become the zodiac, the uninformed people at that time were easily manipulated, and astrology was born. The fallen angels would now receive worship through the ‘sacred knowledge’ that they had given to mankind. Using their knowledge of Jehovahs creative truths, and astronomy, the fallen angels distorted the truth in order to transcend themselves to godlike status with mankind, and in doing so, became the source of the hidden knowledge, the ‘so called’ light, that even to this very day is practiced by a wicked, and deceived world.

Imagine the fallen angels hearing Noah tell the people of the world at that time, that God was going to destroy the world with a flood. Even though the people of the world did not believe Noah, the fallen angels most certainly did. Was astrology the fallen angels answer to retaining that worship they had while on earth? It would seem so.

Astrology is essentially star worship, a pseudoscientific study of the planets and stars that make up the cosmos. Given that it took 120 years for Noah to complete the ark, this would have been ample time for the fallen angels to create this ingenious lie, and teach mankind how to find them 'in the stars', or the heavens, from where they originally came. Of course, only God and the angels know what kind of ‘knowledge’ the fallen angels may have given mankind when they were in their materialized bodies. Did they give them a higher form of math that allowed a clearer understanding of scientific principles within the forces of nature? Did they give them a knowledge of the spiritual realm, to help them communicate with the wicked forces, to perpetuate the lie that mankind lives after death?

We must realize, that during this time, the fallen angels had a direct interaction with humankind, person to person, so of course they did everything they could to sow the seeds of worship, by creating a system of worship that would elevate the fallen angels to God status.

Once God flooded the earth, the demonic horde no longer had direct physical access to mankind. The seed had already been planted by the fallen angels however, prior to the flood, and some of the sacred or secret knowledge, given by the fallen angels, was brought through the deluge. This brings us back to Nimrod, the grandson of Cush, who, being in opposition to God, reintroduced the world to false worship.

Passed down by fallen angels, to the Nephilim, down through Cush to Nimrod, this sacred knowledge once again would be used to control mankind. In doing so, Nimrod was rewarded with fame, influence, and power, and of course worship(Lu 4:6). For as the people worshipped him, ultimately they were worshipping the source of his fame and power, Satan, and thus Nimrod came to be in opposition to God.  Remember, the bible states regarding Nimrod:

“. . .He made the start in becoming a mighty one in the earth.” (Ge10:8)

The same word to describe the Nephilim as mighty, was also given to Nimrod, therefore we must conclude that he used the knowledge to become mighty, and idolized, just as the Nephilim had been. Through the use of the 'sacred knowledge' that he had gained from his grandfather, he influenced the people of that world to follow him.

 I'm certain each one reading this understands the power and influence that this 'sacred knowledge' has had over mankind, and the effects it has caused since its creation. Along with mankinds imperfect state and sinful nature, it turned the entire world into one of violence and wickedness. So much so, that Jehovah felt he needed to destroy the world with a flood, due to its corruption.

“. . .Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.. . .” (Ge 6:5)

Tower of Babel where God confused the language of man.

Now consider, that within only a few generations after the flood occurred, the sacred knowledge had once again influenced mankind to rebel against God, to build the tower of Babel in defiance, and to give the rightful worship and honor due God to a man, Nimrod.

Thus Jehovah, a second time, felt the need to disrupt humanities course. Although, the changing of languages was not nearly as catastrophic as the flood was to mankind, it had a pronounced effect on the way each language assimilated further knowledge, and communicated with one another on a personal level.

With the division of humanity along linguistic lines of communication, also came the division of religious beliefs and customs, of myths and legends, of gods and goddesses. However, within that confusion of languages, and customs, and beliefs, there was one aspect, one facet that remained constant within each and every one of the different languages and nations that were born. Star worship. The ingenious lie created by Satan and his legion to mislead and sway mankind away from the true God, and to take the rightful worship of God for themselves, had now been spread to the different nations that would arise from the confusion of languages.

It is within that star worship, through the many gods and goddesses of the seven headed beast, that we see the mark of the beast begin to take on its early forms. As the conception of the seven headed beast begins, through the worship of the stars, and more specifically through the worship of the planets, we begin to unravel the mystery of the mark of the beast, and God willing, calculate the number of its name.


In part two of this examination for the Mark of the Beast, we will consider the seven heads of the beast from a biblical perspective, to follow the path that history and God have provided for us.

Some other articles here
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Inevitable Sin
The Inevitable Sin
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
Mark of the Beast Pt IV
Mark of the Beast Pt IV

The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1