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Being Approved By God - Part II

Was the Watchtower approved by Jehovah to be his organization?

In Part 1, we discussed how one becomes approved by God, through his son Jesus Christ, and the process that Jehovah uses to draw honest hearted people to him. In Part 2, we will discuss whether the Watchtower itself was approved by Jehovah to become his organization on the earth.

So, how did you come to know Jehovah, and his son Jesus Christ? For me personally, and most others throughout the world, we learned it through the Watchtower Organization. The sole purpose of the Watchtower was to preach, find, teach, and baptize those rightly disposed to hear the message that Jesus Christ taught his disciples. (Mat 28:19) It was a simple message that had a huge impact on the lives of those who listened and applied it in their lives.


The question is, was the Watchtower ever the approved channel of dispensing bible truths throughout the world? If so, what about all the lies that it has promoted from the very beginning regarding Gods kingdom, and when it began? Doesn't this make it an offshoot of Christendom and part of Babylon the Great?

Based on the evidence brought out in part one, that God only draws those individuals he chooses towards Jesus Christ, and the message he preached, we must conclude that the Watchtower was approved by God and entirely separate from Christendom. So how do we come to this conclusion? 

First, the Watchtower was the main tool used to gather those ones who had been approved by God to receive the intellectual capacity to gain the knowledge of Jehovah, and to teach others about him. (1Jo 5:20) If the Watchtower was not approved by Jehovah to disseminate bible truths, would it not have simply produced weeds like Christendom?

Ask yourself, would Jehovah God draw a person to him, and then lead them to where there was no other wheat? It is important to remember that, first and foremost, NOBODY can know Jesus unless first Jehovah approves them to see he is the Christ, and then NOBODY will know Jehovah unless Jesus approves them afterwards (Mt 16:17, Mt 11:27).

Thats just how it is, from the scriptures, black and white, no exceptions. So how does this prove that the WT was approved as Gods organization?

Because there was fruitage!

If the Watchtower was not approved by Jehovah, then those who were being drawn by God to bring their lives into harmony within his purpose would have learned about Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the other bible truths, through a different means other than the Watchtower. Yes, it is that simple. The very fact that most of us learned about Jesus Christ and Jehovah our God, through the Watchtower Organization, is proof that it was approved by God.

Just as the reason to which the disciples knew that Jesus was Gods son, because Jehovah revealed it to them, you also know Jesus by the same means, it was revealed to you by God ((Mt 16:13-17). If an individual also knows Jehovah through his Son Jesus Christ, then they have the hope to receive the blessings that have been promised to them from the scriptures, because they were approved by God to know and understand and conformed their standards to his purpose.


Obviously, they must maintain their faith to receive these blessings, but we are truly blessed in that we already KNOW Jehovah and Jesus Christ, because they wanted us to know them.

When I think about that privilege, and blessing, it is honestly hard for me to comprehend it. I'm a nobody. A good for nothing rat fink sinner, that constantly makes mistakes and falls short on a daily basis. The only thing I have going for me is that Jesus died for me, and the fact that God has allowed me to know his son Jesus, and that his son saw fit to allow me to have the opportunity to know his father, the only true God, is unimaginable to me. I know others must feel the same appreciation as I do.

When we compare the alternatives, do people in the world's religions (Hindu, Buddhist, Islam, Judaism, etc.) know Jesus or Jehovah? No, because they haven't been drawn by God to do so. Does Christendom know the true God, or his son Jesus Christ? Of course not, or else they would not worship a trinitarian God based on pagan teachings, and therefore Jehovah has not revealed to them the true nature of his son Jesus Christ.

Is the Watchtower part of Babylon the Great?

The argument that the Watchtower as being a part of Christendom, or Babylon the Great, falls apart when we comprehend that God only allows those who he has approved to have the mental perception, or the intellectual capacity, to gain the knowledge of him and his son (1Jo 5:20).

(1Jo 5:20) “20 But we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us intellectual capacity that we may gain the knowledge of the true one. . .”

The fruitage of the world's religions has produced untold misery and suffering upon the world through a demonic desire for power, and control of the people, with greediness, corruption, and deception. Unless God draws them to Jesus, these religions and those who follow them, won't have the desire to know God, nor the power given to us through his holy spirit, to bring their lives into harmony with his standards, because they are not approved by God to know him, nor have the capacity to do so.

crusades-strip.jpgCristo · Feb 4, 2022 at 10:48 PM
Does Christendom teach the world Gods standards, or Satan's?

Everybody gets a chance, but only God can judge a true heart, and if he wants somebody to know him and his son, he will draw them in. It is then up to the individual on how far that relationship grows. It's that simple. “"he that boasts, let him boast in Jehovah.” For not the one who recommends himself is approved, but the man whom Jehovah recommends.” 2Co 10:17-18

What about the lies by the Watchtower Organization?

It feels like many who accuse the Watchtower Organization as being part of Christendom has to do with the fact that they are looking for perfection in an imperfect world. They see the lies promoted by the Watchtower, as we all do, and that is the only thing they see. Regardless of the reasons that can be shows as to why the WT was approved, they don't want to accept that the organization had any approval from Jehovah, or that he used the Watchtower to teach the world about him. Instead of all the good that came from the organization, all they can see is the bad. The truth of the matter is that we don't need to prove it to them. Why? Because we can't! If someone only sees the imperfections, all the reasoning on the matter is as pointless to them as it was to the Pharisees who saw a dead man raised after four days in a tomb.

See how similar they can appear, however eventually their true colors will always come out.

Titus said that "...all things are clean to clean persons. But to those defiled and faithless nothing is clean, but both their minds and their consciences are defiled. They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort.” Tit 1:15-16

This means that those approved can see the good in all the things Jehovah provides for us, because we have the capacity to do so given to us by our King Jesus Christ. Those not approved cannot see the goodness, because by their works they disown God even though they claim to know him. They will cause divisions and sects to sprout up, just as weeds do, but that's ok. They become known by their works, just as those approved will also become known by theirs.

Consider what Paul says “...first of all, when you come together in a congregation[forum], I hear divisions exist among you; and in some measure I believe it. For there must also be sects among you, that the persons approved may also become manifest among you.” 1Co 11:18-19

The weeds and the wheat will remain together until the harvest

Today, we are experiencing prophetic events within the organization that Paul warned us about. Many witnesses have been stumbled by the lies and wonder if the society was ever approved as they once believed to be so. The divisions and sects that will have come to exist serve as a witness to Paul's warning, but more importantly make it clear who the approved ones are among us.

It amazes me as I watch these events unfold and begin to truly see the wheat and the weeds, and how they have grown together to what we are seeing manifest in the organization today.

Gods channel for mankind will have eventually served its purpose, and all those who were drawn by God will be required to show their loyalty to the one who provides us with an eternal purpose, without the support of the Watchtower, to which many still cling their hope on.

I pray that I can hear Jesus' voice as a shepherd to his flock when he said, "I am the fine shepherd, and I know my sheep and my sheep know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I surrender my soul in behalf of the sheep. And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.” Joh 10:7-16

Some other articles here
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Mark OF the Beast Pt. 1
The Inevitable Sin
The Inevitable Sin
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt II
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
The Mark of the Beast Pt III
Mark of the Beast Pt IV
Mark of the Beast Pt IV

Being Approved By God - Part II